Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let the feathering begin...

Pictures, dishes, chairs, mirrors, bird cages, books, windows, fabric, pillows, paper...

These are just some of the things that make my heart pound. But before I get into more about all of these things, let me tell you about where this all begins...

My mother is an interior designer and my Dad is a musician, carpenter and all-around handy-man. They taught me that a home is not just a place to provide shelter, but it should be your very own castle.  A place that is filled with valuable treasures. Emotional value, not monetary. A place that you have invested your time and effort in to make it yours. A place that makes you want to sit down and stay awhile. A place that describes Y.O.U. between every nook and cranny. A place that makes your heart pound.

In other words: Feather.Your.Nest.

At the age of 22, I have an assortment of "stuff". The typical girl my age would care more about shoes, clothes and jewelry. I, however, spend my earnings on things like paper that would make a beautiful stationary set, or dishes that I can't live without. Needless to say, my priorities aren't the norm.

I am going to be moving into to my own place in a few weeks in Downtown KC and I couldn't be more excited! I finally get to unpack all of my lost treasures that have been stored up over the years! When I started brainstorming on how I wanted to decorate the new place, I realized that I want to be able to share with family and friends my ideas and progress. I want to document how I transform the bare bones of an apartment, into my very own castle.

It's going to be a slow process, because I'm not able to just buy, buy, buy! But that means I will have to find ways to make wonderful pieces, on a wonderfully small budget!

 And I'm doing it...

All for the love of feathering.

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